Sunday, November 29, 2009

Day 26. Atlas Mountains and Marrakech!

Hey All!
We are still venturing through Morocco at the moment. We are stopped just outside of Marrakech for a few days, and looking forward to some beverages and superclubs. We have been driving through the atlas mountains for almost a week. There were plenty of gorges and mountains to be seen. The camping weather was more...Canadian. We are both glad we brought warm sleeping bags.
Nothing really crazy has been happening to us, which could be good or bad. One highlight was sleeping on a Moroccan dude's roof(some sort of hotel building). I think his name was Abdula? He was an alcoholic, but since he was Berber or a Muslim(or something we don't understand) he couldn't buy it from stores so he was constantly pestering us for beer, wine, gin, anything! We even caught him stealing gin on the morning we were leaving. But sleeping on his roof was awesome! Katey claims to have seen 4 shooting stars, Spots is skeptical because we were looking at the same sky and he only saw 2. Hmmm...
During our stay at that hotel we cooked shepherd's pie which was Spot's favourite meal thus far. Least favourite for Spot so far is the heart(either sheep or cow) that he was surprised to be eating in Fes. If only he knew the french word for heart before hand....oh well!
Other than that we have done a lot of driving, which is a great opportunity for Spots to read great literary works such as Marley and Me, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and Angela's Ashes (all happy books) and for Katey to take an uncomfortable nap while deafening herself to Easy E and Miley Cyrus.
People are starting to open up and not be so shy and polite, which is good and bad. We have made a few friends in the like minded people of the group; this makes for a funner, drunker trip. Some people have negative attitudes and can't seem to make lemonade out of lemons, but we are obviously to awesome for that. As much as we miss home and everyone there, this is just way too fun to be sad, at least for now haha.
Just to give everyone a picture of what this trip is like here is a daily schedule:
7am - Wake up and go to the toilet or bush. After that we eat a great breakfast of cornflakes with milk that never goes bad and/or toast with bread that never goes bad. If we are moving that day we pack up our sleeping stuff and tents and try to get on the road by 8:30. During driving we read, nap and listen to music between seeing sites and making delicious lunches of cheese, jam and potato chip sandwiches(which are awesome!). When we arrive at the next campsite we set up the tent and either cook or wait to be fed while we chat the rest of the group(until they start talking about british television). We usually stay up really late; 9 or 9:30 if we feel like being cool. Then it is a little gossip/venting session in the tent and sleep. If we aren't on the move we will catch a bus or taxi into the medina(old market type place) or centreville for walking around or whatever. It really is a simple life for us right now. Supposedly the next 3 months will break our spirits and our need to be clean. Spot is already wearing shirts for about 5 days at a time and has only showered maybe 6 times. Katey still changes clothes and smells good. She will have to give it up at some point.
And this is the life we have chosen for the next 10 months! We may seem crazy to want to pay for it, but it has been awesome and well worth the effort it took to get here.
We have no clue when we will get another chance to post. Maybe in a week in Agadir. After that we are motoring through the desert in Mauritania and having Christmas in Mali. No hope for snow there...
Talk to you all soon!

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