Friday, November 13, 2009

Day 12? Rock the Casbah

Hey all,
We are stuck with arabic keyboards at the moment, so sorry about the length of this post. Supposedly everthing is spelt wrong so far. We finally made it to the African continent yesterday after a night in southern Spain.
A few nights back we met up with Lena (seattle) and Sarah (toronto) and spent the night drinking and realizing we are actually going to africa. After trying to shake a wicked hangover, we met a few more nice people at the airport before our flight, which was a bit delayed. Our flight from London to Gibraltar After stretching out our legs we met the rest of our best friends and our truck. After paying up, we were introduced to what it is like to sit with 22 other people in 1 vehicle. Once we made it to camp after shopping and eating what could be our last big mac for a while, we set up our tent and ate a dinner made by our fearless leaders, Summer and Gavin. Over dinner we began meeting more people over some wine, and they all seem nice so far. And that was our first night of 301 that we will be spending in our stinky but sturdy tent. The next day we changed all of our money into Euros and took the ferry to Ceuta (pretty sure that is the place). After arriving and realizing it was our turn to cook for everyone we hit up the spanish supermarket. We decided on making a stir fry of sorts, but could only afford whole chickens, to which Spots stupidly agreed to debone. With the help of Sarah deboning and Peter teaching Spot the tricks of the trade, dinner only took about 1.5 hours to prepare. It was delicious though. Thank God for head chef Katey and the help of what seemed to be everyone. At least today we get the day off. After dinner we drank some more wine and all got to know each other a bit more.
Well, we are wandering around somewhere in Northern Morocco, still alive. We are still having trouble uploading pictures to prove it though. Hopefully we get it sorted soon. We are headed to Rabat soon so the internet should be a little better.
We will try to keep you posted(pretend there is an exclamation point here, i can't find it)

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